Welcome to The Workshop

The workshop blogger is a portafolio of my own works. Mainly of my courses as Graphic Designer.
I might submit some other works, or I might just make another blog of my personal projects and arts. Thanks for taking your time to look around my works.
They are not the most amazine thing but they are all my works.
With or without intervention of my classmates.

miércoles, 17 de agosto de 2011

Extreme Forest Park II

Submition of the Final Project, this is the complete version of the proposal which my group and me made.

Oficial logo of the client:

Our proposal for the 4 attractions

Proposals on photos:

Main sideroad entrance and EFP reception entrance:
Signs and Extra Features:

with this, the course concludes.
I must add that this experience is one of the best i have had with real clients experiences.
Just going to the place, living the excitment, are things that makes a designer familiarize more in depth with what the client might want. Probably could say what clients sometimes don't know how to express, living it can be a way of understanding the needs.

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