Welcome to The Workshop

The workshop blogger is a portafolio of my own works. Mainly of my courses as Graphic Designer.
I might submit some other works, or I might just make another blog of my personal projects and arts. Thanks for taking your time to look around my works.
They are not the most amazine thing but they are all my works.
With or without intervention of my classmates.

domingo, 22 de mayo de 2011

workshop II

For my class of workshop II we worked on several pieces of campain.
One of chocolate Hershey
Another of car Hyndai
And for final project a nonprofit campain reminding people that by visiting the parks the money collected there are all used on the children hospital.

These are the pieces we worked on

It was enjoyable to work on these pieces since we could let our ideas out.
The chocolate piece was a gruop work, the car one is individual and the last piece is in pair.

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