Welcome to The Workshop

The workshop blogger is a portafolio of my own works. Mainly of my courses as Graphic Designer.
I might submit some other works, or I might just make another blog of my personal projects and arts. Thanks for taking your time to look around my works.
They are not the most amazine thing but they are all my works.
With or without intervention of my classmates.

domingo, 29 de mayo de 2011

workshop VI

These are the works for the class of workhop VI which I am currently taking. Every HW will be submited apart but at the end of the quarter this post will be undated with all the HWs seen in class.
The first digital work is the re-design of any kind of commercial that has some errors.
For my HW I choosed the following img. The one on the left is the original work and the one at the right is the redesigned piece.

The reason why I think the redesign on this piece is important is because:
1.The background images have too many elements.
2.These elements does not allow you to see the following words: Conocimiento, Emoción and Oportunidad.
3.The blank box that help the text on it be visible doesnt help the lower left side Logo, which is the main logo of the Institute in charge of these courses.
4.The logo of the top is too pretty to have this kind of background.

Summing it up, the changes were made to make the logos more visible, the background cleaner and make more visible some important words.

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