Welcome to The Workshop

The workshop blogger is a portafolio of my own works. Mainly of my courses as Graphic Designer.
I might submit some other works, or I might just make another blog of my personal projects and arts. Thanks for taking your time to look around my works.
They are not the most amazine thing but they are all my works.
With or without intervention of my classmates.

domingo, 22 de mayo de 2011

History about Graphic Designs

For this course my final project was to make a package where should be inviting enough to make the turists want to go to visit the grand China and live an adventure.
The travelers will warp through a time machine and live the history of the country.

My package includes:
1. A trip on the Great Wall and live a love story strong enought to shake the great wall and crumble it revealing the dead body of a worker.
2. Learn about the great war tactics sharing experiences with the great warrior of China in a time history Tzaw Tzaw.
3. And live in the castle as a prince or princess. For this third one the agency will provide some courses for the turist to learn about the culture and the language.

The designs are a brochure and a poster
These here are the img of them in small format, therefore the text of the packages wont be legible.

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